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Archive for July, 2013

Sloane, day 5 post amputation

• July 18, 2013

With every passing day I get a little more of my boy back. His happy little face waking me up in the morning even though he has on a muzzle and a satellite dish that energetically smashes into my face ribs perhaps my feet. All that matters is that he is there to greet the […]

Day 4 post amputation

• July 16, 2013

The morning went fairly normal, for my post amputation  pup we prepared our nutritious breakfast, vitamin supplements and borage of pain killers and antibiotics. As I was doing this notice that there was a little more swelling in his pubic area and the bruising had moved a little as well. When I picked him up […]

Day 3 post amp

• July 14, 2013

    Sloane and I have been cooped up in the house since Thursday, we are both a little stir crazy, there is only so much couch time we can endure. So we decided it was time for a little field trip and figure out how we were going to be getting him into my […]

Sloane amputation day 2

• July 13, 2013

This is a little about how Sloane and I came to be part of the tripod family Sloane (Doberman) 3 years old, and I lead an active lifestyle. He has been by running, hiking, camping, beach going buddy for almost three years. In April of 2013 he started having an odd gate in his left […]